I'm not sure how my nearly 34 year old body will take that kind of abuse, but I think it's better than spending the night in a hotel -- certainly cheaper and plus as I've looked around for hotels, there really aren't any available that weekend that are anywhere remotely close to the strip. Plus, with it being a holiday weekend, price gouging is definitely the rule -- although I was surprised to find that on non-holiday weekdays, the MGM Grand is actually reasonably priced! However, for Memorial Day weekend, it's 400+ dollars a night, and there aren't any rooms anyhow, so there ya go.
Only six weeks away! And I figured it out, if Madonna performs for 2 hours, we'll be paying roughly $4.50 a minute for the privilege of seeing her live. While I have mixed feelings about that -- I mean, does she really need the money at this point in her career? (and if she does, shame on her for not investing more wisely) -- I'm mostly just happy to be going. I know there's not one single artist besides her that I'd shell out that kind of cash to see, and consequently, I shook off the nearly immediate buyer's remorse that hit me yesterday.
Oh well, it's not like someone held a gun to my head and made me buy the tickets. I guess she charges that much for tickets because she can. Although Jeff and I were laughing last night because $265 seats at Drowned World Tour probably would have been front row seats!
Hey Dan - Glad to see you have sorted it out to old Madge in concert. Sounds both expensive and gruelling (these days, if I am awake for 24 hrs, I look like Godzilla) but I am more than sure that you will enjoy it. Personally, this particular tour is failing to excite me, and at £160 (probably about $320) a ticket I am somewhat appalled. I guess that's just me - I find the prospect of Madonna exploiting her fans in rather poor taste, but, like you said, no one's putting a gun to people's heads. I hope you post on your webslog the event in minute detail so I can live the experience vicariously.
Hope you are well! P
Really, awake for days is the only way to do Vegas anyway... you can sleep on the plane ;-)
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