
Saturday, August 19, 2006

Stop using sex as a weapon

The other day after work, I was totally grooving on Pat Benatar. And this is kind of weird because she's not an artist that I think of all that much. I mean, there's only four Pat Benatar songs on my entire iPod (there's more in my iTunes library) so when I was walking home from work that night, it was an amazingly cosmic alignment that led me to listen to Pat Benatar. But it was really fun.

The four Pat Benatar songs I have on my iPod are: "Le Bel Age," "Sex As A Weapon," "Lift 'Em On Up" and "Don't Walk Away." Yeah, it's an odd collection -- no "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" (or, as Kerry Jackson thought in high school "Hit Me With Perfection") and not even "We Belong" (and believe me, Casey Stratton does a killer cover of "We Belong" so it's not like I don't like the song.) But these four Pat Benatar songs really hit the spot on the way home that night. Especially "Sex As A Weapon" which is probably my hands down favorite Pat Benatar song ever. It must be the chorus - it's got all these "almost" rhymes + they're "-tion" rhymes so even better.
Stop using sex as a weapon
Stop using sex as a weapon
You know you're already my obsession
Stop (stop) using sex as a weapon
Love is more than a one way reflection
Stop (stop) using sex as a weapon
Here's the video from YouTube -- amazing the stuff you can find there!

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