Anna must have heard me say this because this is what I found when I came home from work that night, exhausted and spent.

As Heidi pointed out, I shouldn't feel bad about myself because I had a hand in helping mold this child who knows enough at age nine the thing that I still frequently forget at age 39 - always like yourself! Much of that for me is an old pattern that I'm working on changing, but still, I'm glad that I've helped arm her with that kind of internal monologue.
So here's to a reboot today. We're going down to Indianola for the National Balloon Classic and good times with friends and may-as-well-be-family. I slept till 10:30 and skipped my cardio because clearly, I needed the unconsciousness more than the aerobic workout. There's always tomorrow.
1 comment:
I read this yesterday while I was on a break from work, and it made my day. Well-deserved...I don't think you should go out and get your own trophy engraved, but your daughter sounds like all the prize you need. Well done.
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