
Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Brand new man

In honor of the new year, I'm taking a cue from Caryle and changing the title of the blog. At the suggestion of Heidi, I'm going to...not so much change but hone the focus of this blog a bit. Never fear, there's still going to be all kinds of talk about pop music - what is my life without it?? But I'm also going to be doing a few more personal things - mostly talking a little bit about what I talked about in my New Year's post. I want to talk more about my experiences as a man in this world. That may bore some people - it may intrigue others. I hope you plan to stick around.

This morning, I feel like a brand new man. Yesterday at work was pretty much utter shit - what a great way to start 2007. Heidi had an utter shit morning as well - I can't speak for her afternoon. Then we did the bills and complete depression set in, as it usually does every two weeks when we try to figure out how to get through the next two weeks on what's left of my paycheck after we pay on our debt. I was exceptionally tired last night - slept very poorly the night before and got up very early. Bad combination. But in any event, I feel a lot better this morning and am glad that I resisted the urge to blog last night as it wouldn't have been anything that I would have been particularly proud of this morning.

So here's a to a new day. It'll be a good one.

1 comment:

genkiboy said...

personal is good. pop songs i may or may not have ever heard before are all very well and good, but i'd love to hear some good old mr dan introspection from time to time.