Anyway, I won't be buying these B-sides until AFTER the tax refund comes, which, if I get my butt in gear could be as soon as 7-10 days from now. I always like to let my tax return stew a couple of days after I do it and then look at it again. I almost always find something that I did wrong - and believe me, our taxes are nothing complicated at all. Just one W-2 and some mortgage interest statements. I didn't even have enough in my savings account this year to make any appreciable interest! So in addition to taking down the tree in the backyard, helping pay down the credit card and replenish our savings account, this tax refund will also help me to get some new-old Casey. That's fabulous. And with The Crossing coming out March/April - well, I'm just so glad he puts out as much music as he does!
And he mentioned on his message board that he's starting to book dates for this year's tour. Casey, if you bring the tour to Iowa, we'll be there with bells on - and I'll get all my friends to be there as well! Not that that's going to be a zillion people or anything, but you'll have a cheering section, most definitely.
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