We also managed to find ourselves on the Wolf Creek Pass in southwest Colorado. This route has absolutely nothing on Kenosha. It is beautiful country, but some of the curves through the mountain are no-shit 25 mph and they mean business. There were several corkscrew turns and at least two complete U-turns. Heidi about had heart failure. It's a good thing she wasn't driving.
But apparently, the mother of all mountain passes in Colorado is the Red Mountain Pass. Looking at this picture, holy crap, I don't think I'll be attempting it EVER. At least Wolf Creek Pass was 4 lanes!

Wow...great start! You passed through parts of Colorado that I have yet to see, although I am hoping to remedy that situation later this summer. Safe travels, and thanks for the updates.
I love roads like that!
And more importantly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
I am hoping that by posting this a technical calendar day after your birthday but on a blog entry that was made the day before your birthday it all averages out so that I'm not belated. Or something. Anyway, many many more!!
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