Well, as of yesterday the work for 2008 is completed. And it looks fan-effing-tastic. Take a look:

I wish I had a "before" picture to show the dramatic transformation of the deck. However, we didn't do the entire deck. So this picture kind of shows what it used to look like vs. how great it looks now.

And what became of all that rotted deck wood? Well, Heidi and I became complete sweat bombs this morning and loaded most of it into the back of the pickup. The longer boards that didn't fit are piled up neatly in the yard. I have grand designs of cutting them up into smaller boards and fitting them into the back of the pickup as well, but we'll see. For now, that's where they are, awaiting a better paycheck (the next one) to be taken to the physical plant for burning. Please note that there are multiple opportunities for tetanus now in the back of my pickup.

When he came over yesterday to finish the work, he also brought my Darth Vader Collector Case that I had been looking for when we were back home for Mom and Dad's 40th. Mom must have found it and it still has 99% of the figures in there. The only ones missing are Leia Organa and Jawa. Many of them are broken or missing pieces (too much time in the sandbox most likely) but they were well loved.

Not sure what the rest of the day holds, but it has been just the kind of day I needed. But it is 2:05PM and I still have not showered. I need to remedy that very soon.
That looks fantastic! Your father rocks. :)
Wow...that's a sweet looking deck!
I had the Vader carrying case, too...but it was nowhere near full.
That deck is great. Should I fly over to sit there? How about once I figure out what constitutes fall flowers. If you see a vagrant digging in those pots, that is I.
I have to admit I love to make lists of things for my Dad to "help" with when he comes over. He has more patience and talent than I.
I'm sure nothing will please my dad more than hearing these words of approval!
XO, the invitation is always there! You just tell me when we have to pick you up from the airport and we'll take care of the rest.
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