Every week, the
Ames Tribune prints a picture from the archives - kind of a "down memory lane" feature. And some of these photos are just terrific. About 6 weeks ago, they published this one, which just floored me. It's a shot looking across what is now Lincoln Way in Ames and up Welch Avenue - aka
Campustown in these parts.

What's amazing about this picture is that even though it was taken nearly 100 years ago, you can still the modern day Campustown in the picture. But don't take my word for it - see for yourself. I took this picture today. It's not exactly the same vantage point, but it's the closest I could get.

Not even a hundred years have passed between those two photos - the first was taken around 1911 - but just look at the change. It boggles the mind if you think about it too hard.
Of course, doing this reminds me of this photo essay showing
Chicago then and now.
Dan, when I saw the older (sepia?) picture, the "Wild Wild West" song poppped into my head! Hard to believe that was your town, eh?!
"Now put your flags in the air and march them up and down /
you can live it up, live it up all over the town /
and turn to the left, turn to the right /
I don't care as long as she comes tonight"!
Jason, you devil! Now I'm going to have to listen to that song . . . .
Sorry to be so infectious, Heidi! I just couldn't resist! :)
Dan..bc here..if i went bakc in time to that old picture i have to wonder about the admissions office and carver hall and if i would run into our great great grandfather Shamus Mc'O'Callihan. Now thats a fucking irish name...PS..saw 28 weeks later and waiting for the 2011 release of 28 months later adn the 2013 release of 28 years later...
J, I totally remember that video with the freaky looking women's legs! I never much cared for that song - OK, I probably liked it when it was popular, but as an 80s song that gets a lot of play by me these days, not so much.
BC - Can't you see Shamus stumbling drunk down Welch Avenue? ;)
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