On the other hand, what I think I do love about it is that it's very much the portrait of a woman that is comfortable with getting older and is no longer interested in playing the Hollywood glamour game. She's 65 years old for Pete's sake and certainly can't keep up with the young starlets now. I think that I kind of admire her for not doing that, for recognizing where she is at this point in her career. As she has so frequently said, there she is flaws (and double chin) and all.
And besides, these skinny anorexic (in some cases, they really are anorexic) things that try to pass as beautiful really don't do much for me. Give me a real woman any day over those stick insects (oops, went all Bridget Jones there for a second!)
Paging Otto von Titslinger...
Yes, I would have to agree - that is kind of the elephant in the room in that picture, no?
Oh Babs! Oh baps!
Yikes! The girls are looking mighty down in the dumps! Get this broad some support! :)
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