As it turns out, she has pneumonia. And we traveled with her. Talk about feeling like the worst parent ever.
She's on Zithromax and is doing much better. Her cough has diminished markedly and she seems to be on her way to her old self again. She has missed 6 of the last 7 days of school (2 of which while we were gone to Phoenix) and even though it's just kindergarten, I feel bad that she's missed that much school. Hopefully, she'll be able to go back to school tomorrow.

Usually when adults are sick like this (especially young adults) you never know what it is - some virus you pick up from somewhere that comes and goes. The symptoms I've had - fever, coughing, sore throat, shivering, myalgias point to a very common threat. It is, without a doubt, influenza. I have not had honest-to-God influenza in a while, so I suppose it's my turn. There is a high likelihood that I will miss work tomorrow as well as I'm still feverish and DEAR GOD do my legs and arms hurt.
So that's us. Heidi seems relatively unscathed, but I'm kind of waiting for her turn.
In the meantime, the tree guys are finally here and they are felling the half dead tree in the backyard. Money = easy come easy go.
Quelle domage! Sorry you guys are under the weatha. Hope you guys get back on top real soon. :)
All good parents get sick with their kids! :) Hope you feel better soon. Will send you an email..
To be precisely accurate, the quote is, "fantastically hot, or fucking freezing." And now I want to watch Eddie Izzard again.
And you know damn well I never get the flu, shot or no. At best I get tired.
Get better soon, Boo.
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