But this week, I ordered our Statue of Liberty tickets. It was not without the requisite drama that seems to accompany much of what I do. Weeks ago, when we first started planning the trip, I went to the Statue of Liberty web site to get details on visiting the monument. I knew that it involved a ferry ride, and since it costs money to breathe in NYC figured that there would be some cost to this. I was right, sort of. Admission to the monument is free, but the ferry ride costs money. They recommended reserving a ticket for the day you were planning on going, especially if it was a weekend or during the summer. We were going in the spring and while I planned to get reserve tickets, I wasn't too concerned.
So last Monday, when I finally went back to the web site to order the tickets, I was aghast to find out that they were sold out. For every single day that we would be in New York. Actually, they were sold out for all departures leaving from New York. There were plenty leaving from New Jersey. The only problem was that I could not for the life of me figure out how we would ever get over to New Jersey. Talk about feeling like the worst parent ever. Going to the Statue of Liberty was the ONE thing that Anna really wanted to do in New York, and now, it looked like I might not be able to fulfill that.
Moments of panic followed, but in the end, I decided that since there was a phone number on the web site, I'd call and see if there happened to be any tickets left for any of the days we were there leaving from Battery Park, which is just a short subway ride away from where we're staying (Park Central New York.) And imagine my surprise and relief when they did! So 47 bucks later, we're all going. Wednesday afternoon. From Battery Park. Our tickets will be at the pre-paid window and all I have to do is bring my confirmation number and the credit card I paid with. YAY! I only wish we could go up in the crown. But in this post 9/11 era, (which, according to the Statue of Liberty web site, has nothing to do with why the crown is closed. Yeah right.) I suppose I can understand why it is no longer open.
I'm kind of a sucker for tourist-ish things like that. I mean, I can't go to New York and not go to the Statue of Liberty, especially with a 6 year old. I am also going to be completely cliche and go to the top of the Empire State Building. Apart from that, I plan on spending a lot of time in Central Park (please let the weather be good!!) and going to Forbidden Planet New York and, in general, having no plans. I will wake up each morning and decide from there. I will try to be frugal but not so much that it ruins the vacation experience. This is probably my only extended vacation for the rest of the year, so I better enjoy it.
Which shouldn't be too much trouble.
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