Today, a leaked copy of Backwoods Barbie landed in my inbox and I just had to give into temptation and have a listen. No worries, I will still go and buy it when it is officially released at the end of the month because, well, it's Dolly! Very solid work from Dolly which will get absolutely no play on country radio whatsoever for no other reason than she is in her 60s and country radio has turned its back on the legends of its own genre. Her cover of the Fine Young Cannibals' "She Drives Me Crazy" is pure camp hilarity. My sister had what was probably the best reaction I have heard yet to the track. This was her quote: "Okay, I went through three reactions during that song. First was oh my god, why, second was this actually kinda works, and then I thought, no it's too much. I'm still conflicted."
Other than that, I spent a large portion of the day reading The Other Side of the River as

I also cleaned up my office today in preparation for Nerdery Week. I was just not in the mood to expose my nerdery as well as my general tendency toward clutter. I'm probably going to have to write a few of those posts early and save them as drafts so as to not be constantly writing posts that week.
I have had a nagging sense of unease all day for no apparent reason. I don't know where it came from or when it will pass. What I probably need is a good night's sleep, which as many of you know, is pretty much a coin toss with me (especially these days.) There are a few things to be uneasy about which I will not go into in great detail here, but I recognize most of those things as being out of my control. Once I recognize that, I'm usually pretty good at putting them out of my mind. But for whatever reason, not doing as well with that today. *shrug*
But as we all know, nothing cures nagging uneasiness (or at least makes you forget about it) like Eddie Izzard. We have The Definite Article out from Netflix right now, and even though I've already seen it, I died laughing as Eddie described his youthful experiences with a clarinet and his band teacher, Mrs. Badcrumble. I beg of you, if you don't normally watch embedded YouTube clips, you owe it to yourself to watch this one, especially starting at about the 2 minute mark.
Classic stuff, I tell ya. And is it me or does he look like Anne Murray in that clip?
The one thing I will be accomplishing this week is taking care of my flex benefits so I can get the goddamn email from them out of my inbox. I am so incredibly sick of looking at it every time I open my email, I can't even begin to tell you.
I almost snorted wine through my nose when he compared playing the oboe to blowing into a weasel. That's hillarious.
Love Izzard! I think he's good enough that you'd want to watch him again and again hence I think it's worth buying his stuff on DVD. I will have to look out the next time I'm shopping.
A little quinky-do as you mention Monster Island. I haven't read it nor did I even know of it until now. But I did mention a "Monster Island" on my last entry cause that's what I used to call my last blog.
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